Monthly Archives: March 2013



Assalamualaikum and hi!!

I’m a little bit excited about writing this post as I am very enthusiast towards knowing my own personality.  Besides, I also love to know about others. Nahh.. Of course, not in a bad way. In fact, I do know how  to read peoples personality. I learn it by myself. Ahha. Just an amateur. But for me it is enough to understand the reason of why some action had to be taken, I know when people lie to me, which friends behavior suits mine and so on. YES. I use that knowledge in my everyday life. I observe peoples and think a lot. Maybe that’s why I am a demure person. *Seriously? Hehe*

I have many collections of personality test and the results on myself. Whenever my self confidence is down, I will refer to that to get my strength and revise my weakness. It helps me. Alhamdulillah. Did you know that based from the fruits that we like, we can know our personality? Actually, there are a lot of mechanisms that we can use to know our personality and understanding ourself. For example, from the fruits that we like, from our hairstyle, from the way we walk, the types of watch that we love to wear, from our handwriting styles and many more. Impressive right?

OK! Back to my reflection regarding multiple intelligences test that I’ve taken last night. I don’t know, but I think it really suits my character and the way I am. Actually, there are 8 items of multiple intelligences which are :

1- Linguistic (Word smart)

2- Logical (Number smart)

3- Interpersonal (People smart)

4- Intrapersonal ( Myself smart)

5- Musical (Music smart)

6- Visual/Spatial (Picture smart)

7- Naturalistic (Nature smart)

8- Kinaesthetic (Body smart)


You are in which group? Same as mine? NO? YES? As for myself, I have to admit that I am an intrapersonal person. I really care and love myself. I know what I want, why I’m behaving like this or like that, what’s the best for me, how to control myself and I understand almost everything about myself. No… I didn’t say I understand every single thing, BUT almost everything. Yes. Maybe that’s the reason of why I like to read, observe and understand about human personality. So that I can reflect myself and understand peoples better. Besides, I also love music! It makes me feel great though I’m in a bad mood. Haha. Nahh.. I’m not so choosy. I love all kind of music as long as it sounds okay to my ear.

All right! This is my result! I get full mark for Intrapersonal, Musical, Logical and Linguistic. As you can see, my Interpersonal skill (People smart) is not so good. I wonder why. Maybe because I love myself more than I care about others. Haha. Not to be selfish, but I really love to work by myself instead of having a group work. That doesn’t mean I don’t have a good relationship with my friends. I just prefer to work by myself as I know what I can do, what I want to do, my ability and capability, my strength, my weakness and so on. I believe many of my friends have the same opinion. OUH. AHHA. You want to take the test as well? OH. YES. SURE. I put the links below. Just click the link and there you are. 🙂


The reason Ummi asked us to do the multiple intelligences test is make us became aware of the diverse learner that we got in a classroom. As a teacher/future teacher, we should have the knowledge in order to fulfil each of our students need for education or knowledge. For example, some students perform well by having a group work but some prefer to work as an individual. The others maybe study by drawing/sketching maps and some students understand better when listening to music while studying. Each people is different.  It’s good to have the knowledge as we can use it in our teaching by having various approaches in teaching. The aim is not to focus on certain group of students but to get all the students engage with the learning. In sha Allah, we can be a good teacher/mentor towards others.



Cognitive ability refers to the individual’s capacity to think, reason, and problem solved. Cognitive ability is measured through tests of intelligence and cognitive skills.

According to Gardner (1999a), intelligence is much more than IQ because a high IQ in the absence of productivity does not equate to intelligence. In his definition, “Intelligence is a biopsychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture” (p.34). Consequently, instead of intelligence being a single entity described psychometrically with an IQ score, Gardner’s definition views it as many things. He endeavored to define intelligence in a much broader way than psychometricians. To achieve this goal Gardner (1983; 1999a) established several criteria for defining intelligence. In identifying capabilities to be considered for one of the “multiple intelligences” the construct under consideration had to meet several criteria rather than resting on the results of a narrow psychometric approach.

To qualify as an “intelligence” the particular capacity under study was considered from multiple perspectives consisting of eight specific criteria drawn from the biological sciences, logical analysis, developmental psychology, experimental psychology, and psychometrics.



Assalamualaikum semua! Apa khabar? Sihat..?

Haa.. Tajuk usrah minggu ni ialah ‘Pembudayaan Ilmu’ oleh Ustaz Faiz. Mula2 dengar tajuk ni, saya agak senang hati memandangkan tajuk harini ialah tajuk perbincangan yg ringan je. Yelah. Pembudayaan ilmu. Biasa la kan.. Kita belajar, dapat ilmu, jadikan ia sebagai budaya kita. Rupanyaaaaaa takkkkkk…. Saya salah! Tajuk pembudayaan ilmu itu ialah suatu tajuk yg berat! Hakikat ini telah menyedarkan saya bahawa betapa saya naif dalam hidup sebagai mahasiswi yg hanya memandang enteng terhadap perkara sebegini. Malah, tidak pernah saya terfikir pun sebelum ini.

Jom saya kongsikan isi perbincangan kami tu. 🙂

Ustaz Faiz memulakan tajuk perbincangan kami dengan menasihatkan kami supaya menjadikan ilmu sebagai landasan di dunia ini. Maksudnya, kita menganut Islam bukan hanya pada nama sahaja malah mempraktikkannya ke dalam kehidupan harian juga. Bukankah dalam ayat pertama yg diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W juga ditekankan mengenai kepentingan membaca?

suroh pertama diturunkan

Perasan tak yg ayat ni diturunkan dengan perintah untuk kita membaca, bukan sujud, solat, puasa, haji dan lain2 ibadat. Kenapa..? Ternyata ia memberi kefahaman kepada kita bahawa pentingnya dan istimewanya amalan membaca itu. Dengan membaca, kita dapat menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan dan menajamkan tahap pemikiran. Orang yg berilmu akan disegani, dihormati, disayangi & menjadi rujukan atau role model kepada orang lain. Dan pastinya konsep pembudayaan ilmu itu adalah lebih mendalam dan bukan hanya setakat menghadiri kuliah je. Pergi kelas, balik, belajar, dapat ilmu. Takkkk..! Salah tu! Terus ustaz utarakan soalan yg pasti akan membuat anda terkesima. *Saya dah lalui. Hehe*




Banyak jawapan yg kami berikan. Macam2 jawapan lah keluar. “Semua tu betul, tapi masih kurang tepat,” kata ustaz. Haiisshhh. Pening kami. Haha. Apa jawapannya..?

Menurut penjelasan ustaz kepada kami, ilmu yg kite belajar kat U ni tidak sempurna atau lebih meluas sifatnya. Maksudnya kita belajar apa yg kita nak, ambil ilmu berdasarkan kemahiran atau bidang kita. Join program, pergi usrah, belajar ilmu macam2 lah. Tapi masa kat sekolah, ilmu kita lebih terbatas. Ilmu tu dah ditetapkan. Skopnya adalah lebih kecil. Kita hanya menurut je apa yg cikgu beritahu seolah2 mind kita ni telah disetkan. Bukanlah nak menyalahkan cikgu2 kita, TAKKKKK, cuma sistem kita yg dah dibentuk macam tu. Sampai ada sesetengah orang, dia hanya join perkara2 yg bagi dirinya penting untuk membawanya kepada kejayaan, kemasyhuran, kebendaan, pangkat, nama, duit dan sebagainya. Betul, benda tu semua penting dalam kehidupan kita dewasa ini, namun adakah ia CONFIRM AKAN MEMEBAWA KITA KE SYURGA ALLAH nanti…? Haaa… Sentap kannn.. Terkena batang hidung saya. Betul jugak. Selama saya hidup dari kecil, kita diajar dengan pertanyaan ‘Besar nanti nk jadi apa?’. ‘Cikgu’. Contoh jelah.. Saya dulu pun cita2 bertukar2. Kejap nak jadi cikgu, kejap arkitek, kejap pensyarah, kejap doktor & macam2 lagi la. Haha. Sekarang dalam kursus TESL. Still tak sure nak jadi apa lepas graduate nanti. So, if nak jadi cikgu, kena belajar pandai2, dapat banyak A, masuk U dan baru boleh jadi cikgu. Nampak tak jalan menuju ke puncak impian tu..? Hanya setakat tu je.. Lepas tu macam mana pulak..? Haaa, itulah persoalannya.


Pengertian ilmu menurut Syed Naquib Al Attas ada dua. Ini saya ambil dari blog saudara Ibnunazir :

1 – Ketibaan makna ilmu itu ke dalam jiwa pencari ilmu

2- Sampainya jiwa seseorang itu kepada makna ilmu

Kedua2 maksud tersebut sama ada yg pertama mahupun yg kedua, ia perlulah membawa kita untuk lebih dekat kepada Allah S.W.T. Contohnya, bagaiman saya yg mengambil ilmu bahasa (English) ini akan membawa saya dekat/kembali kepada Allah S.W.T? Mungkin macam tidak logik. Tapi, cuba renungkan kembali. Dengan ilmu bahasa yg saya ambil ini, saya dapat mengajar ramai orang akan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris, bagaimana menggunakannya dengan betul, membantu pelancong dalam berkomunikasi dan macam2 lagi. Namun, yg penting, NIAT saya mestilah kerana Allah Ta’ala. Tuntasnya di sini ialah, tak kiralah ilmu apa pun yg kita ambil, NIAT kita mestilah kepada Allah. Itu yg penting. NIAT. Once niat kita betul, In sha Allah, everything pun akan dapat redha Allah dan ganjaran daripada-Nya. Yg paling penting, ia membawa kita untuk dekat kepada Pencipta kita.

Sebab itulah susah untuk kita menilai seseorang itu sama ada berilmu ataupun tidak. Jurangnya terlalu tipis, menurut Ustaz Faiz lagi. Dan kerana itu jugalah, ilmu itu hendaklah sentiasa dicari. Haa.. Top up ilmu pun penting, bukan hanya top up kredit je. Hehe. Peringatan untuk saya jugak ni. Ustaz menasihati kami untuk sentiasa mencari ilmu dan MENCINTAI ILMU. Hal ini membuat saya terfikir. Selalu saya dengar orang cakap macam tu. Tapi macam mana nk cintakan ilmu? Tak faham lah. Tapi, Alhamdulillah. Persoalan saya terjawab. Ustaz bertanya;

USTAZ : Pernah tak awak cintakan seseorang..??

IMRAN : Errmm.. Saya tak pernah ustaz. Tapi setakat suka tu adalah. Sekadar minat je. Hehe

USTAZ : Haa, bila kita cintakan seseorang tu, kita sentiasa nak orang tu ada dengan kita kan..? Nak tengok muka dia selalu, nk dengar suara dia selalu. Ilmu pun macam tu lah. Bila kita cintakan ilmu, kita sentiasa NAK MENCARI ILMU. Kita nk tahu benda yg kita tak belajar, yang kita tak tahu, yg kita pernah dengar tapi tak pasti. Maksudnya, kita sentiasa dahagakan ilmu tu. Macam solat lah jugak. Pernah tak awak rasa sentiasa nk solat..? Ishhh, tak sabar2 nk tunggu waktu Zuhur nk smayang. Then, terasa lama sangat nk tunggu Asar pulak. Pernah tak..?

SEMUA : ……………

Terdiam kami semua. Yelah, sungguh tinggi maksud statement tu. Saya, if lecturer saya cakap exam nanti akan keluar bab 7,8,9 & 10 je sebab lain tak keluar sebab dh buat quiz mengenai topik tu, PASTILAH saya tak baca dah bab2 selain yg nk masuk exam tu. Saya akan fokus kepada bab yg akan masuk exam je. Bagi saya, yelah, buang masa la kira kan. Tapi, itulah sebenarnya yg menunjukkan betapa jauhnya kita dengan konsep ‘Pembudayaan Ilmu’ ni. Orang yang mencintai ilmu akan study jugak bab yang tak masuk exam tu untuk pengetahuan dia. Bukan study bab yang nk masuk exam je. Sentap saya untuk kali yg entah ke berapa. Adoiii.. Terasa kerdil sungguh kami di waktu tu. Sebab tu lah kita kena menggunakan neraca yg betul dalam nk menilai/mengukur tahap ilmu seseorang tu. Tak semestinya semua orang yang pandai bercakap tu adalah orang berilmu. Dan tak semestinya juga orang yg kurang bercakap itu adalah tidak berilmu. Bagaimanapun kita, matlamat akhir kita perlulah sama iaitu  AKHIRAT. Jadi, aim kita tak sepatutnya hanya terhenti setakat di dunia ni je. Perlulah sampai di ‘SANA’ jugak. Cari ilmu & kaitkan dengan matlamat akhir kita iaitu Akhirat. Menurut usraz lagi, orang yg berilmu tinggi darjatnya di sisi Allah. Hurmmm.. *Kena sentiasa berusaha mencari ilmu lah lepas ni*

Tapi tentulah! Ilmu tu adalah pelbagai. Ada yg fakta, ada yg auta. Ada yg bukan fakta, ada yg benar, ada yang tak benar, yg tak sahih dan sebagainya lah. So, kita pun kenalah jadi orang yang bijaksana. Jangan main ikutttt je apa orang cakap. Kan2..? Saya tertarik mendengar cerita ustaz. Kata ustaz;

“Golongan sufi bertaubat kepada Allah bukan sebab mereka melakukan dosa. Namun, mereka/dia bertaubat adalah kerana lupa sesaat kepada Allah. LUPA SESAAT.”

Adoyaii.. Ini membuatkan saya terfikir, di mana tempat & tahap saya sekarang. Iman saya pula di takuk mana..? Hurmm… Sentap lagi.


Ustaz menambah lagi, if kita nak tuntut ilmu, kita mestilah kena ikut adab2 dalam menuntut ilmu. Kerana apa..? Kerana ilmu itu sifatnya ialah cahaya, So, kita kenalah ikut adab2 yg betul. Biasanya, orang yang berilmu ni tinggi adabnya. Itulah salah satu cara kita nk membezakan antara orang yang berilmu dengan yg tidak berilmu. Banyak je sekarang ni orang yg cemerlang, banyak giler dapat A setiap kali exam, tapi sebenarnya tak berilmu pun. Jadi, kena la sama2 kita fahami konsep ilmu tu sebelum kita nk buat something. Relate kepada matlamat akhir kita iaitu AKHIRAT. Memang realitinya, setiap hari pun kita pasti akan belajar benda2 baru sama ada dengan sedar atau tanpa kita sedari. Sebab tu, kena sentiasa ingat matlamat akhir kita bukan hanya di atas dunia ni je. Sentiasa bersedia untuk menerima teguran dan jangan jadi orang yang bodoh sombong atau tin kosong. Kita hidup di dunia ni ramai2 mencari nikmat dan redha Allah. Terima teguran orang dengan ikhlas, maafkan orang yang telah menegur kita dan ucapkan terima kasih kerana sudi menegur kita. Sesetengah orang buat tak tahu je kita buat salah ke betul, ‘lantak engkau lah’. Kan tak bagus macam tu. Untuk menegur pulak, gunakan cara yg berhikmah.

Sebelum ustaz akhiri usrah kami pada hari ni, ustaz tinggalkan kami dengan satu statement yg pada saya perlu kita selamai dan fahami.


Bukan fakulti/course/pekerjaan kita yg memerlukan kita untuk berdakwah & berkongsi ilmu, mencari serta membawa kebaikan kepada orang lain. Namun, atas nama agama, kita perlu melakukan amar makruf nahi mungkar.

Renung2 kan. Till then, Assalamualaikum. 🙂

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Posted by on March 26, 2013 in Usrah





Hi and assalamualaikum! May peace be upon you!

Yesss… Temple Grandin. Did you ever hear about that movie..? Yes..? No..? This is my first time actually. To be honest, I never heard of ‘Temple Grandin’. Neither the person named Temple Grandin nor the movie. Thank God now I knew her history. Ahha! Yes! It is ‘her’, a woman. At first, I thought Temple Grandin is a man! Haha.

Ok, move on! Here is a little bit about a person named TEMPLE GRANDIN. What makes her so famous? *although I just knew about this??*

Temple Grandin was born on August 29 1947, she is an American doctor of animal science and professor at Colorado State University. She is also an autism activist, bestselling author and a consultant to the livestock industry on animal behavior. Can you believe that she was diagnosed with autism and labeled with brain damage at the age of 5 in 1952? Ahha! That’s the truth! Even so, she considered herself lucky to have had supportive mentors from primary school onwards. Temple has said that middle and high school were the worst parts of her life. She was the ‘nerdy kid’ whom everyone teased. They called her ‘tape recorder’ as she would repeat things over and over again.

After graduating from the Hampshire Country School, a boarding school for gifted children in Rindge, New Hampshire in 1966, she went on to earn her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Franklin Pierce College in 1970, a master’s degree in animal science from Arizona State University in 1975, and a doctoral degree in animal science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in 1989. Temple Grandin received an honorary doctorate degree from the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario, Canada at the 2012 Winter Convocation, where she was the keynote speaker. On May 16, 2010, she also received an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Duke University.

Source :


Awesome right? So, basically, this story is all about herself. Here is the synopsis of this movie.

Temple Grandin (Claire Danes), a young autistic woman, is extraordinarily gifted. She has a remarkable connection to animals and a brilliant mind. This biopic follows Temple from her late teens, as she struggles with both her own limitations and narrow-mindedness in the communities around her; to her startling first accomplishments. With the help of a supportive family and one progressive teacher Temple tackles misconceptions about her condition, the sexism of mid-20th century America, and the rigid, insensitive methods of the cattle industry.


In this movie, some of the moral values that I can share includes :


In this movie, there’s one shot where Temple replied to her Aunt Ann that she can’t understand people around her. She doesn’t understand why girls get crazy over boys, what they are talking about and why people doesn’t like her. They teased her and make fun of her. True, she has autism and that’s making her different. Still, that’s not a reason for a normal person like us to be biased towards them. We have to treat everyone equally. Can you imagine if that autistic person that everyone tease is your family member..? Maybe your sister? Or your brother? Your cousin? Think.


This reminds me of this song.

I wonder why. Haha. Clearly, there’s no connection between the song and this movie. Wait! Maybe just the lyric. It tells the listener to never give up and try harder. Just ignore what people say  because we are the one who is responsible to ourself. Like Temple’s mother, her aunt and her teacher who were never given up on her. They always support her and it shows how the power of positive parents, teacher and mentors can change lives.


The shot that I like the most in this movie is when Temple take every challenge and walk through it as a door to a new world. Though she was afraid, she put that feeling aside and think it as a new opportunity for her to success. And yes, she did it. His  teacher was the one who opened her mind to be brave and face the world. It really inspires me to be a good teacher in future. In sha Allah. 🙂 I hope I can be like Dr. Carlock!




Autism is known as a complex developmental disability. Experts believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person’s life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person’s communication and social interaction skills.

People with autism have issues with non-verbal communication, a wide range of social interactions, and activities that include an element of play and/or banter.




Assalamualaikum and hi everyone!

This time around, Ummi Rosseni had assigned us to watch ‘Taare Zameen Par’ ; a Hindi movie which is produced and directed by Aamir Khan. YES, again, it is a nice and touching movie. Personally, I like this movie but not as much as ‘3 Idiots’, a Rajkumar Hirani film. In English, ‘Taare Zameen Par’ means ‘Every Child Is Special’. Just like the title itself, it is about how we perceive each child regardless of WHAT THEY ARE *again, like my previous post on  Juvana*. I really recommended you to watch this movie. Trust me, your perception towards each child you met will change after that. I spent one plastic of tissues crying while watching this movie. I’m not ashamed of that. My younger brother is a hyperactive kid. FYI, hyperactive also is a kind of disorder.

From :

  • Hyperactivity means there is too much muscle activity.
  • Hyperactivity is also used to describe a situation when a part of your body is too active, such as when a gland makes too much of a hormone.

Hyperactivity is not easily defined. It often depends on the observer. Behavior that seems excessive to one person may not seem excessive to another. However, certain children,  when compared to others, are clearly far more active, which can become a problem if it interferes with school work or making friends. Some of the typical behaviors are :

– Fidgeting or constant moving

– Wandering

– Talking too much

– Difficulty participating in quiet activities (such as reading)

As the eldest, yes, I did scold him many times *like thousand times or maybe more*. But after watching that movie, it makes me think about my attitude. I was like “ Oh God, please forgive me. I really love my brother but at the same time I hurt him. What have I done? I wanna go back home and meet him, treat him nicely..”

Back to this movie, it is about Ishaan Awasthi, an eight year old kid whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate; colors, fish, dogs and kites are just not important in the world of adults, who are much more interested in things like homework, marks and neatness. And Ishaan just cannot seem to get anything right in class.

When he gets into far more trouble than his parents can handle, he is packed off to a boarding school to be disciplined. Things are no different at his new school, and Ishaan has to contend with the added trauma of separation from his family.

One day a new art teacher bursts onto the scene, Ram Shankar Nikumbh (Aamir Khan), who infects the students with joy and optimism. He breaks all the rules of how things are done by asking them to think, dream and imagine, and all the children respond with enthusiasm, all except Ishaan. Nikumbh soon realizes that Ishaan is very unhappy, and he sets out to discover why. With time, patience and care, he ultimately helps Ishaan find himself. Ishaan actually is a dyslexia.

NO! My little brother is not a dyslexia but they share the same symptoms.


From this movie, I learnt :


Like Ishaan situation, he has a loving family. They care about him and love him so much. The only thing they overlook is his behavior and his attitudes. They know he has problems in learning, but they don’t really care about it. They don’t go deeper to understand his feeling and his situation. What is important to his father is to get an excellent grade and be the best. Luckily Nikumbh came and became an Ishaan’s savior. He observes his attitude, his behavior, go to his house, explains to his parents, CARE about him and UNDERSTAND him. That’s what helps Ishaan to get his self-confidence back.


In this movie, though some of the characters do not know each other, they are kind towards another. Like Rajan whose always looking up for Ishaan and Ishaan whose always helping Rajan with his difficulties. Besides, Nikumbh who is just a temporary teacher is willing to go to Ishaan’s house and explains the real situation to Ishaan’s parents. Ironically, I don’t think it still happens now in our real world. Even if it happens, errrr… I don’t know. It’s hard to say.


Yes. Each of us has our own abilities, capabilities, hobbies and so on which mean we are different from one another. Each of us is special. That’s why the title of the movie is ‘Taare Zameen Par’ – ‘Every Child Is Special’. We have to accept people’s differences because that’s what make them unique. So are we. Like Ishaan, he loves arts and doing good in that field but his father didn’t think it as an option in life. It can’t help him in the future. Nikumbh also had gone through the same situation but he had proved that he can success in life.



* DYSLEXIA : “Dyslexia is a reading difficulty in a child or adult who otherwise has good intelligence, strong motivation and adequate schooling……Dyslexia reflects a problem within the language system in the brain” ( Shaywitz, 2003 )

In 1887, the word “dyslexia” was coined by Berlin, a German doctor, from 2 Greek words : Dys ( difficulty ) and Lexia ( the use of words ).

Here’s a few simple facts about dyslexia :

  • The most obvious sign of dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty in learning to read. If you have never heard about dyslexia, such children just puzzle you, you wonder why they don’t learn.
  • Dyslexia is more than just a reading problem, it is a syndrome ( symptoms that often goes together ) Problems usually include reading, spelling, pronunciation, recall of words for speaking / writing and memorizing sequences.
  • Dyslexia is a specific learning disability – it affects only one area of learning. There appears to be a “glitch” in the neural wiring when it first laid down during embryonic development, but this mis-wiring is confined to the specific neural system used for reading. A dyslexic child is different from a “slow learner” ( low IQ ), who finds all kinds of learning difficult.
  • Other areas of development are not affected and dyslexics demonstrate average or even higher levels of achievement in activities such as drawing  and other visual arts, in music in drama and in sports. They often think in very creative ways and may be good problem solvers.

Studies show that approximately 10% of school-age children experience dyslexic-type difficulties. About 4% have problems that are severe enough to be a real handicap to their learning in a traditional classroom.

Dyslexia is not a “all-or-nothing” condition. A person may be mildly, moderately or severely dyslexic. Another thing to remember is that each dyslexic has his/her own set of symptoms. For example, one dyslexic may read quite well, but find it difficult to learn spelling or to express ideas clearly. Another may struggle with reading, but be very fluent when he speaks.

Each dyslexic has his own personal set of difficulties, but with appropriate help, most of them CAN learn to read and write well enough to become successful students. They CAN complete secondary school and go on to university or other tertiary institution.




Assalamualaikum and good day!

Ahhaa.. Done watching Juvana the series episode 3! 🙂 To be honest, I don’t really like watching drama series. It makes me nervous. How bout you..? Yeah, it does show you the progress or continuation from last episode you watch, but till towards the end of the episode, *again* it leaves you with question, palpitation & confusion. Did you realize it..? I do. Haha. That’s the reason I prefer watching movies. I can understand the story from the beginning, the conflict, the complication, the climax, the falling action and finally the resolution of the story. Some have a happy ending, some are not. At least I know the ending!

Juvana. I heard the term in the first time during my day as an ex-Form 6 student, after my STPM examination. ‘Mesti cerita pasal budak jahat’. That’s me guessing.

Definition of juvana/juvenile :

United Nations Convention of the Rights of Children 1989: All human beings under the age of 18, unless the relevant national laws recognize an earlier age of majority

In Malaysia according to Akta Mahkamah Juvana 1947 (Seksyen 2 : kanak-kanak” bermaksud seseorang di bawah umur empat belas tahunmanakala “orang muda” ertinya seseorang yang telah mencapai umur empatbelas tahun dan di bawah umur lapan belas tahun. Akta ini juga memperuntukkan, “juvana” ertinya seseorang yang telah mencapai umur bagi tanggungjawab jenayah yang ditetapkan di bawah seksyen 82 Kanun Keseksaan dan di bawah umur lapan belas tahun

Source :

So, more or less it is about a group of teenager, aged between 14 to 18 years old which done something against national law/ illegal acts/crime.

This time around, my task for course GGGB 3223 Learner Diversity & Differentiated Learning is to watch Juvana the series episode 3. In that episode, Cikgu Zakiah, the new teacher and also a counselor at Sekolah Wira Bakti has proposed on having an election to choose a new house captain. So, it is a sort of competition between Daim (Zaharil Adzim) and Botak (Johan Asari). Instead of using hardness like Botak, Daim *with the help of Apek (Syazwan Zulkifly)* chose to use psychology by ensuring them a good and safe condition if he is chosen to be a house captain. There are a lot of inner and external conflicts there. Each of them has something that they’ve been keeping inside. Apart from that, I can see that some teachers are very responsible towards their students and always supports them but some are not. These kind of teachers prefers to provoke them and label them as ‘budak tak ada masa depan’, ‘budak penjenayah’, ‘budak jahat’ etc. THAT IS SO UNFAIR! As a teacher, one should guide them. Don’t you think so?


So, some of the moral values that I can conclude here are:


What I meant here is you can’t judge someone especially your students *ok, imagine yourself as a teacher at that school 🙂 *by WHAT THEY ARE. Judge them by looking at WHO THEY ARE. Yes, each of us has different abilities, different capabilities, different family background, different way of thinking, a different way of judge something etc. yet it makes each of us UNIQUE! Everyone has their own problems. Some can be solved while others are not. Some can handle it while others can’t. Help each other and together we make this world as a better world!


In Islam, we believe that once you are chosen or you yourself had chosen to be in  a certain position, that means it comes with responsibility. No matter if you are a Prime Minister, an ustaz or a teacher, an architect, a MC for a wedding function or even a student. Each of us has responsibility towards others and towards ourself. As a teacher, we are bound to the responsibility towards our students regardless whoever or whatever they are and as a student, we need to respect our friends and elders. Set your goal, think positive and change for a betterment.

Surah Ar-Ra’d,11 : Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves


Like Daim, he is too coward to stand for himself. Yes, we can say he is scared of them *especially Botak* but still, that is not the reason for us to be a coward. Just like Apek, he scared of Botak and the gang yet he still stands for Daim and always support him. Friendship blooms everywhere. Including in this juvenile school. The only difference is, it is much more challenging there.


* YOUTH AT RISK : All young people, no matter what their start, can be the best. A wake up call, a line in the sand. Absolute compassion, absolute love. Wings to fly. This is what we do. It is our passion. Love is the toughest thing.




Alhamdulillah.. Akhirnya, dapat jugak saya post something yang saya sangat2 teringin nk share selama ni. Hehe. Alaa.. Maksud saya, ilmu berpesan-pesan.. Kita masing2 perlu berpesan2 untuk sesama menuju ke jalan yang Allah redhai. Betul x..?? Seperti dalam Surah Al-Asr : 1-3

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In sha Allah.. Saya akan tetap berkongsi apa yang boleh dikongsikan bersama. Apa yang saya buat, module yang saya hasilkan, pengalaman saya ikut program, haa, pape lah yang boleh kita share. 🙂

Saya join Usrah Fpend (Fakulti Pendidikan), of course la, dah saya ambil kursus TESL dan tajuk usrah malam ni ialah ‘Saya Mesti Menguasai Diri’. Mengikut Ustaz Mad *ustaz yg bagi ceramah tu*, beliau menerangkan akan kenapa kita perlu menguasai diri? Hurmm… Agak2 korang kenapa..? Sebabnya… Ada 3 jenis iman yg kita perlu tahu.

1- Maksum :

Iman yg makin bertambah2. Haa.. Yg ni hanya untuk golongan Nabi & para Rasul je.

2- Iman yg mendatar :

Maksudnya iman tu tak bertambah & tak berkurang. Yg ni plak hanya golongan malaikat. Betul la kan.. Iman malaikat hanya tetap pada Allah. Tak berkurang dan tak bertambah. Static.

3- Boleh melawan nafsu :

OK! Yg ni baru golongan manusia, hamba Allah macam kita ni. Iman kita boleh bertambah & boleh jugak berkurang. Kita mampu melawan nafsu dan bisikan syaitan. Namun, if kita gagal, maka boleh berkurang la iman kita. So, rajin2 la topup ibadah! 🙂 *peringatan utk diri sendiri jugak ni

Ustaz jugak ada cakap bahawa Allah S.W.T sangat pemaaf terhadap hambanya. Allah sentiasa memberi maaf kepada kita DENGAN SYARAT kita perlu minta. Pada pandangan saya, kenapa kita malu nk minta kt Allah tapi slumber je mintak duit kt parents, pinjam barang member, bayar duit mahal2 pergi jumpa kaunselor. EH. Bukan tak boleh, tapi kan lebih elok kita minta & mengadu kt Allah dulu. Allah Maha Mendengar, Maha Memakbulkan Doa, Maha Pengasih & Maha Penyayang. Bahkan Allah tahu setiap perlakuan kita sama ada yg tersirat mahupun tersurat. So, nk malu apa lagi..? Jom sama2 upgrade ibadah & berdoa kepada Allah. HAA! Sebut pasal doa, ni saya share something tentang amalan DOA.

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Waktu yg mustajab untuk berdoa pula termasuklah :

  • Hari Jumaat & malamnya
  • Bulan Ramadhan
  • Waktu bangun pagi bersahur
  • 1/3 malam (waktu bangun di tengah malam)
  • Di dalam sujud yg akhir ketika solat
  • Ketika hendak mendirikan solat
  • Di antara 2 khutbah pada hari Jumaat
  • Ketika di dalam kesusahan, kerunsingan & teraniaya
  • Waktu yg sunyi dan tenang
  • Ketika hujan
  • Selepas tahiyat akhir, sebelum bagi salam (doa ringkas di dalam hati)

Haa… Lagii… Kalau tengah marah ke, geram ke, sakit hati ke, or pape la kat someone, lebih baik kita memberi nasihat kepada orang tu. Jangan membebel. Ustaz tanya : APA BEZA NASIHAT DENGAN MEMBEBEL?? Sebenarnya, nasihat tu ialah kita memberi sesuatu yg bermanfaat. So, dia pendek je sebab kita hanya bagi main point. Berbeza dengan membebel sebab kita akan panjangkan ayat tu then baru ada main point. Contohnya :

Nasihat : Adik, pergi mandi, dah nk Zuhur ni.

Bebel : Apa adik ni tak mandi2 dari tadi? Dah nk Zuhur ni, buat lambat2 pulak. Kang mak marah baru tahu.

Haaa… Macam tu la lebih kurangnya. Then bila dah nasihat ataupun orang nasihatkan kita, MAAFKAN la orang tu, Betul. Memberi maaf bukannya mudah. Tambah2 pulak bila hati dah lama panas membara, memang susah nk maafkan. Selalu je kita dengar orang cakap camni;

A : Maafkan jela dia. Tak baik musuh lama2.

B : Tak boleh la. Dah cuba. Geram betul aku.

A : Ala.. Sedangkan Nabi maafkan umat. Maaf je.

B : Tu Nabi. Aku bukan Nabi.

A : ………..

Betul la tu. Kita bukan Nabi. Tapi, cuba fikir2 balik ayat kat bawah ni. KITA NI KUAT KE LEMAH? Nak jadi yg mana..? Apa salahnya kita ikhlaskan hati, bagi maaf. Susah. Payah. Tapi tak mustahil. Berdoa kepada Allah adalah jalan yg terbaik. 🙂

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Kalau kita tak mampu nak memaafkan seseorang, sebenarnya kita tergolong dalam kumpulan YANG KALAH DENGAN NAFSU. Shame of us. Don’t you..? Gunakanlah perkataan2 yang positif sebab secara tak langsung ini turut mem’positif’kan diri kita. *err.. ada ke perkataan “mem’positif’kan” tu..? huhu. teruk BM saya 😦

Contohnya, bila kawan kita datang & kita perasan dia pakai baju baru, tegur la. ‘Eh, lawa baju kau. Baju baru eh?’ Walaupun nampak simple, trust me! It does affect the person’s mood for the whole day. Apa salahnya kita puji orang? Kalau kita pun, kita suka kena puji. Tapi jangan lah sampai berlebih-lebihan. Ala kadar jela. Macam yg Islam anjurkan. Besederhana adalah lebih baik. So, lepas ni, cuba2 la tegur & puji kawan2 kita atas kebaikan dia. Niat ikhlas, in sha Allah, Allah balas. 🙂

Sebelum saya akhiri post ni, ustaz ada sebut satu ungkapan Za’ba yg menurut ustaz merupakan ungkapan kegemarannya. Lebih kurangnya macam ni lah. Kalau salah, betulkan saya.

‘Banyak nilai2 Islam yang diamalkan oleh orang bukan Islam, tapi ramai orang Islam sendiri meninggalkan nilai2 tersebut.’

Hurmm… Renung-renung kan..


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Posted by on March 19, 2013 in Usrah




Alhamdulillah.. Here I am, once again! Doing reflection of what we’ve been assigned to do. JUST THAT, for this time around, it is no longer for course GGGE 2153 Educational Technology. Hehe. But this time, it is for GGGB 3223 Learner Diversity & Differentiated Teaching. *still having Ummi Rosseni as the course lecturer*. Honestly, I feel so great to express myself *again* through writing. Not THAT ‘WRITING’. I mean, by having something that I can do, reflect & share about it with others through my writing here. Seriously, it is not just about task, assignment etc. It’s more than that. I will still be writing in this blog even if it is not for our assignment. Err, sooner or later. Hehe 🙂

I thank God (ALHAMDILILLAH), for this opportunity to have Ummi as my lecturer again *including tutorial, of course*. It is so much fun to be in her class! What worries me is I was a little bit behind compare to other friends. They were already finished with their first task (watching JUVANA series/movie), the second task (watching TAARE ZAMEEN PAR) and the third task (watching TEMPLE GRADIN). I did watch Juvana movie and Taare Zameen Par. Both are good movies for me. But later on, Imran told me to watch Juvana the series (episode 3) because that is my assignment *specifically*. Ahaa.. It’s okay. I just finished downloading that episode with such difficulty. NO! I’m not blaming Imran *of course NOT*, just the links for that episode. Dead link! I felt like giving up. Because of that, I end up downloading other movies. Haha!

But no worries. In Sha Allah, I will settle everything one by one. Got to go, I still haven’t watch Juvana the series (episode 3). Till then, Assalamualaikum and have a good day! 😀